COLUMN: “Presidential Birth Certificates: Modern-Day ‘Freedom Papers’?”

July 23, 2009

By Arsalan Iftikhar
True/Slant Contributor

For those of you who are unaware, the ‘Birthers’ movement is a pejorative term (like the 9/11 Truthers) used by the many in American media to ridicule those right-wing polemicists who believe that President Barack Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate is a ‘fake’ and because they believe that he was ostensibly born in Kenya, not the United States, he was never eligible to be president in the first place.

Seriously, all of the people in the ‘birther’ movement need to get a life (and a clue). They need to get out of their mothers’ basements in their tighty-whities and open the front door to inhale some fresh air and a much-needed dose of reality.

Sadly, certain right-wing media commentators, including high-profile polemicists like Alan Keyes, Liz Cheney, Rush Limbaugh and Lou Dobbs have all at one point or another doubted the veracity of President Obama’s ‘natural-born’ American citizen status to further their own myopic right-wing agenda and help to distract from the pressing American issues of health care reform, two ongoing wars in the Middle East and a recession that rivals only the Great Depression in its scope and breadth.

Continue Reading Arsalan’s July 2009 Column Here…

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