ASSOCIATED PRESS: Arsalan Quoted in AP Story on Norway Terror Attacks

From Associated Press

July 21, 2011

by Jesse Washington

But Arsalan Iftikhar, an international human rights lawyer and author of the upcoming book “Islamic Pacifism: Global Muslims in the Post-Osama Era,” said the Norway attacks “proved that terrorism can be committed by a person of any race, nationality or religion.”

Iftikhar, who is Muslim, said one effect of the tragedy would be “to restart a debate on the term terrorism, and who and when the term should be applied.

“Sadly, the last ten years, the term has been co-opted in public discourse and only applies to Muslims,” he said. “Now here we have a right-wing Christian extremist who has committed an act of terror, and many people don’t know how to react.”

Read Full July 2011 Associated Press (AP) Article Here…

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