VIDEO: Arsalan on CNN (September 2012 on Anti-Islam YouTube Film)
September 16, 2012 Watch Arsalan Iftikhar live on CNN discussing the anti-Islam movie that caused massive violent protests around the Muslim world, including the death of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens in Libya. Watch Arsalan’s CNN Television Interview Here:
VIDEO: Arsalan on Al-Jazeera English (September 2012)
September 15, 2012 Watch Arsalan Iftikhar live on Al-Jazeera English television discussing the anti-Islam movie that caused massive violent protests around the Muslim world, including the death of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens in Libya. Watch Arsalan on Al-Jazeera English Television … Continue reading
Arsalan in Christian Science Monitor Article on Libya Embassy Attack
From The Christian Science Monitor September 12, 2012 by Christa Bryant “Sadly, we had idiots on our side take the bait hook, line, and sinker,” says Arsalan Iftikhar, a Muslim commentator and author of “Islamic Pacifism: Global Muslims in the … Continue reading
VIDEO: Arsalan on Al-Jazeera English (August 2012 on Sikh Temple Shooting)
August 7, 2012 Arsalan Iftikhar live on Al-Jazeera English television discussing the mass murder at a Sikh temple in suburban Wisconsin at the hands of an alleged white supremacist. Watch Arsalan’s 7-Minute Television Interview Here:
VIDEO: Arsalan on Al-Jazeera English Television (July 2012)
July 4, 2012 International human rights lawyer Arsalan Iftikhar and other distinguished panelists discuss the current state of human rights during the Obama administration. Watch Arsalan’s 25-Minute Television Interview on Al-Jazeera English Here:
VIDEO: Arsalan Iftikhar on Syria & Iran Cyberattacks (June 2012)
June 2, 2012 Arsalan Iftikhar and Scott Horton from Harper’s magazine discuss cyberattacks against Iran and the push for international action regarding the humanitarian crisis in Syria. Watch Arsalan’s 12-Minute Television Interview Here:
ESQUIRE MAGAZINE: Arsalan’s Article on Islamophobia (May 2012)
May 2012 Read Arsalan’s article on Islamphobia in the 2012 presidential elections for the May 2012 issue of Esquire Magazine (Middle East edition) Here…
AUDIO: Arsalan on NPR on Muslims in America (March 2012)
From National Public Radio March 28, 2012 This election season, presidential candidates have been putting the word “Muslim” back into the national consciousness. So Tell Me More wanted to ask, “What does it mean to be Muslim in America?” Guest … Continue reading
VIDEO: Arsalan Iftikhar on Al-Jazeera English (March 2012)
March 25, 2012 Arsalan Iftikhar on Al-Jazeera English discussing NY Times article stating that the United States will not prosecute anyone for the November 2011 cross-border shooting at the Salala checkpoint which killed 24 Pakistani soldiers. Watch Arsalan’s Interview on … Continue reading
VIDEO: Arsalan Iftikhar on CCTV (Afghanistan Civlian Murders)
March 17, 2012 Arsalan Iftikhar interviewed on CCTV discussing the murder of 16 civilians in Afghanistan by US Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales which caused an international firestorm. Watch Arsalan’s TV Interview Here: