By Arsalan Iftikhar | Attorney and Founder of
Date Posted: May 19, 2010
In light of the recent South Park cartoon controversy surrounding ‘depictions’ of the Prophet Muhammad, some brainiac cartoonists around the world have decided to declare May 20 to be ‘Everybody Draw Muhammad’ day.
According to the Los Angeles Times, Seattle artist Molly Norris started the day rolling when she created a poster-like cartoon showing many objects — from a cup of coffee to a box of pasta to a tomato — all claiming to be the likeness of Muhammad.
“I am Mohammed and I taste good,” said the pasta box in the cartoon. On top of the cartoon images (but no longer on her Web site) was an announcement explaining the rationale behind the event. Norris now denies that ‘draw Muhammad day’ was here idea.
As I wrote in a recent CNN column on the South Park controversy, as an American Muslim civil rights lawyer and proud First Amendment freak, I can honestly say that I love both my Prophet Mohammed and cartoons like South Park. In any free democratic society, the concept of free speech can only be combated with more free speech, not censorship. If the creators of “South Park” choose to depict the Prophet Mohammed, that is their First Amendment right, and they should be able to do so freely without any threats of physical violence and retribution.
Continue Reading Arsalan’s May 2010 Washington Post Column Here…